Chapter 3 - Land Use



Regional centers are intended to serve as the focal points of regional commerce, identity, and activity. They cater to many neighborhoods and communities and serve a population of 250,000 to 500,000 residents.

They contain a diversity of uses such as corporate and professional offices, retail commercial malls, government buildings, major health facilities, major entertainment and cultural facilities and supporting services. Region-serving retail commercial malls and retail services should be integrated where they complement and support the other uses in the regional center. The development of sites and structures integrating housing with commercial uses is encouraged in concert with supporting services, recreational uses, open spaces, and amenities.

Regional centers, typically, provide a significant number of jobs and many non-work destinations that generate and attract a high number of vehicular trips. Consequently, each center shall function as a hub of regional bus or rail transit both day and night. Good quality street, area, and pedestrian lighting is essential to generating feelings of safety, comfort, and well being necessary for ensuring public nighttime use of transit facilities.

They are typically high-density places whose physical form is substantially differentiated from the lower-density neighborhoods of the City. Generally, regional centers will range from FAR 1.5:1 to 6:1 and are characterized by six- to twenty-story (or higher) buildings as determined in the community plan. Their densities and functions support the development of a comprehensive and inter-connected network of public transit and services.

Physically, the regional centers are generally characterized by three forms of development
 1. Areas containing mid- and high-rise structures concentrated along arterial or secondary highway street frontages (e.g., Wilshire and Hollywood Boulevards). The intensity of activity and incorporation of retail uses in the ground floor of these structures should induce considerable pedestrian activity.
 2. Areas containing mid- and high-rise structures sited on large independent lots, set back from the property frontages (e.g., Warner Center and most of Century City). Though inhibited by the separation of structures, it is encouraged that buildings and sites be designed to improve pedestrian activity within the center.
 3. Areas containing retail commercial "malls," characterized by low- and mid-rise buildings clustered around common pedestrian areas. It is encouraged that these buildings be sited and designed to improve their relationships to their principal street frontages, enhancing pedestrian activity.

Mixed-use centers that provide jobs, entertainment, culture, and serve the region.

Objective 3.10

Reinforce existing and encourage the development of new regional centers that accommodate a broad range of uses that serve, provide job opportunities, and are accessible to the region, are compatible with adjacent land uses, and are developed to enhance urban lifestyles.

Regional Centers: Sherman Oaks

Century City

Uses and Density

Accommodate land uses that serve a regional market in areas designated as "Regional Center" in accordance with Tables 3-1 and 3-6. Retail uses and services that support and are integrated with the primary uses shall be permitted. The range and densities/intensities of uses permitted in any area shall be identified in the community plans. (P1, P18)


Table 3-6

Land Use Designation

Corresponding Zones

Regional Center

CR, C1.5, C4, [Q]C2

3.10.2   Accommodate and encourage the development of multi-modal transportation centers, where appropriate. (P4, P18, P52)
Design and Development
3.10.3 Promote the development of high-activity areas in appropriate locations that are designed to induce pedestrian activity, in accordance with Pedestrian-Oriented District Policies 3.16.1 through 3.16.3, and provide adequate transitions with adjacent residential uses at the edges of the centers. (P1, P18, P24)
3.10.4 Provide for the development of public streetscape improvements, where appropriate. (P30, P31, P32)
3.10.5 Support the development of small parks incorporating pedestrian-oriented plazas, benches, other streetscape amenities and, where appropriate, landscaped play areas. (P2, P31, P66)

Require that Regional Centers be lighted to standards appropriate for nighttime access and use. (P17, P18, P24, P48)

Regional center incorporating retail, offices, and housing (on upper floors) with enhanced pedestrian character. buildings sited along sidewalk, pedestrian-amenities) Characteristics of regional centers: buildings on street frontage, inclusion of small parks, retail and restaurants located on the ground floor.

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