Draft Environmental Impact Report

Millennium Hollywood Project


LEAD AGENCY: City of Los Angeles
CASE No: ENV-2011-675-EIR
SCH No. 2011041094


1720, 1722, 1724, 1730, 1740, 1745, 1749, 1750, 1751, 1753, 1760, 1762, 1764, 1766, 1768, 1770 N. Vine Street;
6236, 6270, 6334 W. Yucca Street;
1733, 1741 N. Argyle Avenue;
1746, 1748, 1754, 1760, 1764 N. Ivar Avenue,
Los Angeles, California, 90028

Prepared by:

Project Description

The proposed project includes the construction of approximately 1,052,667 net square feet of new developed floor area.  The historic Capitol Records Building and the Gogerty Building are within the Project Site.  These historic structures would be preserved and maintained and are operating as office and music recording facilities under long term lease.  Including the existing approximately 114,303 square-foot Capitol Records Complex, the Project would include a maximum of approximately 1,166,970 net square feet of floor area resulting in a 6:1 Floor Area Ratio averaged across the Project Site.  The Project would also demolish and/or remove the existing approximately 1,800 square foot rental car facility.

The Project would develop a mix of land uses, including some combination of residential dwelling units, luxury hotel rooms, office and associated uses, restaurant space, health and fitness club uses, and retail uses. 

The Draft Environmental Impact Report is available for review at the following locations:

City of Los Angeles
Department of City Planning
200 North Spring Street, Room 750
Los Angeles, CA  90012

Central Library
630 W. 5th Street
Los Angeles, CA  90071

Frances Howard Goldwyn-Hollywood Regional Library
1623 N. Ivar Avenue
Los Angeles, CA  90028

John C. Fremont Branch Library
6121 Melrose Avenue
Los Angeles, CA  90038

If you wish to submit comments following review of the Draft Environmental Impact Report please submit
them in writing or by email by Monday, December 10, 2012, no later than 4:00 PM.

Send or email comments to:
Srimal Hewawitharana, Environmental Specialist II
Los Angeles Department of City Planning
200 N. Spring Street, Room 750
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Fax: (213) 978-1343
E-Mail: srimal.hewawitharana@lacity.org


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CAJA Environmental Services, LLC
11990 West San Vicente Boulevard, Suite 200
Los Angeles, California 90049
Phone: (310) 469-6700; Fax (310) 806-9801